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Living Independently

A11Y Park

by A11YVerse


14 October 2024

Cover image of A11Y Park

Problem Statement

In our fast-moving digital and creative economy, there is a need for more relevant and scalable forms of training and employment for persons with disabilities in this industry.


A11Y Park is a community-driven metaverse that is led by persons with disabilities. Hosted on Sandbox, A11Y Park has universal design features and will be e-accessible to persons with disabilities.

Utilising Web 3.0 technology, it fosters educational, networking and employment opportunities for persons with disabilities in the post-18 sector, promoting independence and integration into the creative and digital economy.

The project includes tailored two-year training programmes in creative and digital industries for individuals with disabilities, along with a train-the-trainer initiative in the second year. Additionally, it provides accessible platforms for showcasing their artworks, performances, and digital media.


This project aims to empower persons with disabilities by:

• Facilitating financial independence through competitive earnings from their creations and/or contributions to the metaverse;

• Opening pathways to non-traditional careers typically inaccessible to persons with disabilities;

• Enhancing employability within the digital creative economy;

• Empowering them to train successive batches of recruits in the metaverse.

More about grantee

A11Yverse is a creative and social organisation that is revolutionising accessibility in the metaverse by placing inclusivity at the heart of its disability-led practice.

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