Classroom Communication Tool
Engineering Good
25 January 2023
Problem Statement: Wearable communication device for non-verbal students with extreme gross motor problems
Some students cannot speak, and cannot move their arms or legs. We need a simple method for them to communicate yes and no answers. We have tried using simple buttons of different colours, but have often run across difficulties mounting them where the child can easily push them. Different children have different limitations. We are looking for a flexible and wearable solution so that even children with extremely limited physical mobility can use it to communicate yes and no. The children are often seated at desks in a classroom setting.
Nature of Problems
Activities of Daily Living (ADL)
Classroom and Schooling Activities
Communication and Social Skills
Classroom and Schooling Activities
User Groups
Cerebral Palsy
Down Syndrome
Intellectual Disability
Physical Disability
For students, a bluetooth mouse will be modified to be used as a communication tool. The modification is to remove all 3x tact switches (left, mid & right button), extend its connections externally with wires and sockets. Removable press-to-make button switches (not included here) can be plugged to these sockets to act as tact switches. On activation, BT module send signals to computer. On the computer side, there is a hub with matching USB dongle for each BT mouse/s to receive these signal.
For teachers, there is a classroom app with multiple functions. Firstly, the teacher can set a multiple-choice question quiz and the students can answer with their modified mouse. The teacher can then view the students' answers and come up with an aggregate score to see who needs more assistance. Secondly, the app can also show google files/websites/pdf for the teacher to present to the students for them to learn something. Essentially, the app acts as a web browser.
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Engineering Good